Does To Wellness offer group and individual sessions?

To Wellness is currently focusing on programs that are either one-to-one (private) or very small groups of up to 3 clients (semi-private). If you are looking for programs conducted in larger groups, please see the pool schedule and registration at your neighbourhood community centre or health club.

How do I know whether I need personal aquatherapeutic training or not?

If you find that you need some time with the aqua fitness class instructor to learn the exercises or find modifications suitable for your current medical situation then you would greatly benefit from some one-on-one work with a personal trainer. In addition, clients generally see greater results with a personal trainer because the program is targeting his or her specific goals and needs. Personal training can take place at either Huron Park or Mississauga Valley Community Centres during their Therapeutic Swim Times. Contact Ioana Grant to book an assessment session.

Can I sign up for one-on-one aquafitness sessions?

Yes, absolutely! To Wellness is flexible in providing customized programs that include both aquatherapy and aquafitness. The program can start with gentle sessions of aquatherapy and progress over time to include vigorous aquafitness workouts. This is the greatest benefit of one-on-one programs: they are highly customizable and flexible.

How do aquatic therapeutic programs and aqua fitness classes compare?

An aquatherapeutic program focuses on gentle water exercises, which are geared towards the rehabilitation of a joint or muscle after injury or surgery. The main benefit of such an activity is keeping you active while you recover from the injury or while managing a serious condition. This program builds the weak musculature and improves the efficiency of your heart and lungs, without compromising the injured body part.

Aquafitness on the other hand is the next step after land or aquatic rehabilitation. The pace and intensity of an aqua fitness program can be higher than its therapeutic counterpart, ranging from moderate to advanced, however it can still be modified to suit the needs of the participant. The different movements such as jogging, cycling and cross-country skiing will usually be progressed from the modified, gentler versions to the more challenging ones. Also, there would be more resistance applied in the muscle strengthening exercises.

How do I sign up for the program?

Once an assessment session is completed, each client is highly encouraged to sign up for 10 sessions (45-min or 60-min), which can be conducted within a year from purchase. However, it is recommended to engage in the program 2-3 times per week, depending on other activities, programs or treatment that you are undergoing at the same time.

The assessment session includes a 45-min basic evaluation of your posture, movement, flexibility and strength, as well as your medical and fitness history. It also includes a 30-min introduction to the program in the water. You are welcome to try one full session before signing up for a package so that you are confident that you are committing to the right program for you. Also, installment payment option is available upon request.

Where are the aquatherapeutic sessions held?

Clients are welcome to choose between the two Mississauga community centres that have both therapeutic and regular pools: Mississauga Valley Community Center and Huron Park Recreation Centre.

How long are the sessions?

The duration of private and semi-private sessions can either be 45 or 60 minutes, depending on the stage of the program and state of the client. Generally speaking, the first package of 10 will have 45-min sessions, after which duration can be increased to 60-min for the subsequent packages. Factors that will determine the length of the sessions are your pain threshold due to injury and the physical/mental response you experience several hours or days after the assessment session.

Are there special notes to take into consideration when participating in an aquatherapeutic program?


– Be aware that the water medium can take a joint out of its normal or pain-free range of motion, and it can give you the sense that you can exercise longer than your body may be used to; your trainer will advise you to start slowly and see how you feel after the session is completed to gauge how much your body is ready for in order to avoid further injury or setbacks.

– Allow yourself extra time prior to the session to change, shower and enter the pool.

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